When: Saturday, April 19, 2025- Registration starts @ 10:00 AM EST; Play will start @ 11:00 AM EST.
Location: Bronx Ale House, 216 West 238th Street
(Uptown 1 train to W 238th Street; Exit 11 off of Major Deegan Expwy)
Website: http://bronxalehouse.com/
How to Register: Register by filling out form below. Please indicate any extra equipment you can bring.
Format and Prizes: Compete against other participants using a team of Tecmo shmoes in an all AFC vs. NFC Tournament! You'll be using the worst of the worst in this unique "All Pro" matchup. Will you rely on the moonball of Steve Grogan or the Handless Wonder Andre Waters to deflect passes? I bet you've never used so many backup Bills running backs in your life!
If you become discouraged by the play of some of these "Tec-shmoes," there is a wrinkle to the format. Each participant will be allowed to substitute one offensive and defensive player on their team per game. But you must choose wisely, as you cannot choose a player from that slot for the remainder of the tournament. Tournament winner will receive a trophy worth more than zero dollars! More details to follow!
Tecmo Skills Events: We will be running back our popular Tecmo Skills competition! If you lost out on claiming victory at Grogan Ball-Z or Bucking Bronc-Bos last year, you don't want to miss your chance this time around! Each event winner will receive their own medal! With an assortment of skills events planned throughout the day, there’s bound to be an event for you to compete in!
More details are to come about the specific competitions and tournament rules, as well as info on raffle prizes in the coming weeks. If you’re not on the Tecmo Discord channel, get on it! We’ll be sharing info on the tournament as the days close in!
Questions and Comments: Feel free to e-mail me about the tournament and be sure to check out both the Tecmo Discord and netecmo.com for all tournament updates!
Brian R.
Entry fee is $30 to participate in the tournament and the events!
After completing form, please click PayPal link for payment to complete registration.
Click the PayPal link below to finish registration for the 2024 NYC Tecmo Super Bowl tournament.